Discourse Markers Agreement

Discourse markers are an essential part of written and spoken communication. They serve as signposts for the reader, indicating the speaker`s attitude, intention, or emphasis. However, it is important to ensure that there is agreement between the discourse marker and the content of the sentence.

The most common examples of discourse markers include words and phrases such as “however,” “in addition,” “indeed,” “nevertheless,” and “moreover.” These markers help to connect different ideas and provide structure to written and spoken communication.

One of the most important aspects of using discourse markers is ensuring that there is agreement between the marker and the content of the sentence. For example, if you use the phrase “however” to contrast two ideas, the second idea should indeed be in contrast to the first. If the two ideas are not actually in opposition, the use of “however” can be confusing for the reader.

Similarly, if you use the phrase “in addition” to introduce a new point, there should actually be a new point being introduced. If the point is actually a repetition of the previous point, using “in addition” can be redundant and confusing.

Discourse markers can also help to indicate the speaker`s attitude or emphasis. For example, the use of “indeed” can indicate agreement or confirmation, while the use of “nevertheless” can indicate that the speaker is acknowledging a counter-argument but still holding their position.

When using discourse markers, it is important to consider the context in which they are being used. Different markers may be appropriate in different situations and for different types of writing or speaking. It is also important to avoid overusing discourse markers, as too many can make the writing or speaking feel clunky and unpolished.

In conclusion, discourse markers are an important tool for connecting ideas and providing structure to communication. To ensure effective use of discourse markers, it is important to ensure that there is agreement between the marker and the content of the sentence, and to use markers appropriately for the context and purpose of the communication.
